Great atmosphere at run course kilometer 3,7 – 6,7 – 24,1 and 27,7
Triathlon party at the Speck hot spot
Already for the third time Speck opened as a sponsor of the DATEV Challenge, one of the wordwide largest triathlon events, its doors along the run course. On Sunday, July 9th, 2017, like every year about 5000 athletes competed in Roth, among them about 3400 individual starters and 1950 relay starters, to meet the challenge of a long distance triathlon. After 30 years the run course was changed because of safety reasons and so the athletes crossed the premises of Speck four times. This attracted even more visitors and fans, which ensured a great atmosphere at the hotspot.
This year Speck took part in the challenge with four own relays. Furthermore the representation Huckauf Ingenieure from Langenfeld completed the Speck team with five more relays.
A lot of sports-mad employees supported as volunteer helpers or supporters and contributed to perform the visitors and athletes an atmospheric and unique competition day. Speck employee and former triathlete Torsten Hahn informed the visitors with his expertise and competence about the local participants as well as about the race in detail.
For the physical welfare of the cheerfully spectators and volunteer helpers the Gasthof Winkler took care again. The guests were pampered with „fast food Schmankerln“ like the Weidenochsen-Burger, Veggie-Burger or the Franconian variant of the classic hot dog. Sweet treats like homemade cakes or ice cream for the little fans, who romped around on the bouncy castle and game stations, could not be missed.
The athletes of the Speck teams were very satisfied with their performances. They reached their specified goals and were directly motivated to exceed their performances with their participation in the next year.
According to the expectations, it should be a duell between the German athletes Timo Bracht and Nils Frommhold. In fact, there was an exciting competition, which ultimately won the Belgian Bart Aernouts in 7:59:07 hours. Joe Skipper from Great Britain was second place finisher, the German Maurice Clavel took the third place and joint favorite Timo Bracht arrived fourth. Nils Frommhold had to abort the competition because of a bike crash with a fellow campaigner. At the women’s competition Daniela Ryf from Switzerland won the race with a few minutes lead to Laura Siddal from Great Britain and Lisa Roberts from the USA.

Great atmosphere at run course kilometer 3,7 – 6,7 – 24,1 and 27,7
Triathlon party at the Speck hot spot
Already for the third time Speck opened as a sponsor of the DATEV Challenge, one of the wordwide largest triathlon events, its doors along the run course. On Sunday, July 9th, 2017, like every year about 5000 athletes competed in Roth, among them about 3400 individual starters and 1950 relay starters, to meet the challenge of a long distance triathlon. After 30 years the run course was changed because of safety reasons and so the athletes crossed the premises of Speck four times. This attracted even more visitors and fans, which ensured a great atmosphere at the hotspot.
This year Speck took part in the challenge with four own relays. Furthermore the representation Huckauf Ingenieure from Langenfeld completed the Speck team with five more relays.
A lot of sports-mad employees supported as volunteer helpers or supporters and contributed to perform the visitors and athletes an atmospheric and unique competition day. Speck employee and former triathlete Torsten Hahn informed the visitors with his expertise and competence about the local participants as well as about the race in detail.
For the physical welfare of the cheerfully spectators and volunteer helpers the Gasthof Winkler took care again. The guests were pampered with „fast food Schmankerln“ like the Weidenochsen-Burger, Veggie-Burger or the Franconian variant of the classic hot dog. Sweet treats like homemade cakes or ice cream for the little fans, who romped around on the bouncy castle and game stations, could not be missed.
The athletes of the Speck teams were very satisfied with their performances. They reached their specified goals and were directly motivated to exceed their performances with their participation in the next year.
According to the expectations, it should be a duell between the German athletes Timo Bracht and Nils Frommhold. In fact, there was an exciting competition, which ultimately won the Belgian Bart Aernouts in 7:59:07 hours. Joe Skipper from Great Britain was second place finisher, the German Maurice Clavel took the third place and joint favorite Timo Bracht arrived fourth. Nils Frommhold had to abort the competition because of a bike crash with a fellow campaigner. At the women’s competition Daniela Ryf from Switzerland won the race with a few minutes lead to Laura Siddal from Great Britain and Lisa Roberts from the USA.

Great atmosphere at run course kilometer 3,7 – 6,7 – 24,1 and 27,7
Triathlon party at the Speck hot spot
Already for the third time Speck opened as a sponsor of the DATEV Challenge, one of the wordwide largest triathlon events, its doors along the run course. On Sunday, July 9th, 2017, like every year about 5000 athletes competed in Roth, among them about 3400 individual starters and 1950 relay starters, to meet the challenge of a long distance triathlon. After 30 years the run course was changed because of safety reasons and so the athletes crossed the premises of Speck four times. This attracted even more visitors and fans, which ensured a great atmosphere at the hotspot.
This year Speck took part in the challenge with four own relays. Furthermore the representation Huckauf Ingenieure from Langenfeld completed the Speck team with five more relays.
A lot of sports-mad employees supported as volunteer helpers or supporters and contributed to perform the visitors and athletes an atmospheric and unique competition day. Speck employee and former triathlete Torsten Hahn informed the visitors with his expertise and competence about the local participants as well as about the race in detail.
For the physical welfare of the cheerfully spectators and volunteer helpers the Gasthof Winkler took care again. The guests were pampered with „fast food Schmankerln“ like the Weidenochsen-Burger, Veggie-Burger or the Franconian variant of the classic hot dog. Sweet treats like homemade cakes or ice cream for the little fans, who romped around on the bouncy castle and game stations, could not be missed.
The athletes of the Speck teams were very satisfied with their performances. They reached their specified goals and were directly motivated to exceed their performances with their participation in the next year.
According to the expectations, it should be a duell between the German athletes Timo Bracht and Nils Frommhold. In fact, there was an exciting competition, which ultimately won the Belgian Bart Aernouts in 7:59:07 hours. Joe Skipper from Great Britain was second place finisher, the German Maurice Clavel took the third place and joint favorite Timo Bracht arrived fourth. Nils Frommhold had to abort the competition because of a bike crash with a fellow campaigner. At the women’s competition Daniela Ryf from Switzerland won the race with a few minutes lead to Laura Siddal from Great Britain and Lisa Roberts from the USA.
Speck relays at DATEV Challenge 2017

From left to right: Leon Trautner, Christian Engerling, Richard Rolph, Maximilian Bauer, Johannes Zehnder, Johannes Wagner, Bastian Wenk, Josef Schiele, Bob Werner, Tobias Minameyer, Bernd Eichhorn, Dieter Meier, Matthias Schüler – Click to enlarge the photo.
Speck relays at DATEV Challenge 2017

From left to right: Leon Trautner, Christian Engerling, Richard Rolph, Maximilian Bauer, Johannes Zehnder, Johannes Wagner, Bastian Wenk, Josef Schiele, Bob Werner, Tobias Minameyer, Bernd Eichhorn, Dieter Meier, Matthias Schüler – Click to enlarge the photo.
Speck relays at DATEV Challenge 2017

From left to right: Leon Trautner, Christian Engerling, Richard Rolph, Maximilian Bauer, Johannes Zehnder, Johannes Wagner, Bastian Wenk, Josef Schiele, Bob Werner, Tobias Minameyer, Bernd Eichhorn, Dieter Meier, Matthias Schüler - Click to enlarge the photo.

Super Stimmung bei Strecken-km 3,7 - 6,7 – 24,1 und 27,1
Triathlon-Party im Hot Spot bei Speck
Zum bereits dritten Mal öffnete Speck als Sponsor der DATEV-Challenge, einer der weltweit größten Triathlon-Veranstaltungen, seine Tore entlang der Laufstrecke. Am Sonntag den 9. Juli 2017 traten in Roth wie jedes Jahr rund 5000 Athleten, darunter gut 3400 Einzelstarter und 1950 Staffelteilnehmer, an, um sich der Herausforderung eines Triathlons der Langdistanz zu stellen. Nach 30 Jahren wurde aus Sicherheitsgründen die Laufstrecke geändert und führte erstmalig viermal über das Firmengelände von Speck und lockte damit noch mehr Besucher und Fans an, die für super Stimmung im Hot Spot sorgten.
In diesem Jahr trat Speck mit vier eigenen Staffeln am Wettkampf an. Ferner ließ es sich die Vertretung Huckauf Ingenieure aus Langenfeld nicht nehmen, das Speck Team um fünf weitere Staffeln zu ergänzen.
Viele sportbegeisterte Speck-Mitarbeiter unterstützten tatkräftig als Helfer oder Supporter und trugen dazu bei, den Besuchern und Athleten einen stimmungsvollen und einzigartigen Wettkampftag zu bieten. Speck-Mitarbeiter und ehemaliger Triathlet Torsten Hahn informierte die Besucher mit seiner Fachkompetenz und seinem Wissen über die lokalen Teilnehmer sowie über den Rennverlauf.
Um das leibliche Wohl der gut gelaunten Zuschauer und Helfer kümmerte sich auch in diesem Jahr der Gasthof Winkler aus Alfershausen. Die Gäste wurden mit „Fast-Food-Schmankerln“ – wie den Weideochsen-Burgern, Veggie-Burgern oder der fränkischen Variante des klassischen Hot Dogs verwöhnt. Süße Leckereien, wie hausgemachter Kuchen oder Eis für die kleinen Fans, die sich auf der Hüpfburg und den Spielstationen austobten, durften natürlich nicht fehlen.
Die Athleten des Speck-Teams waren sehr zufrieden mit ihren Leistungen. Sie erreichten die gesteckten Ziele und waren nach dem Wettkampf direkt motiviert, die erbrachte Leistung mit einer Teilnahme im nächsten Jahr zu toppen.
Den Erwartungen nach sollte es in diesem Jahr ein Duell zwischen dem Deutschen Timo Bracht und Nils Frommhold geben. Tatsächlich aber ergab sich ein spannender Wettkampf, den letztlich der Belgier Bart Aernouts in 7:59:07 Stunden für sich entschied. Joe Skipper aus Großbritannien wurde Zweiter, der Deutsche Maurice Clavel holte den dritten Rang und Mitfavorit Timo Bracht landete auf Platz vier. Nils Frommhold hatte aufgrund eines Radzusammenstoßes mit einer Mitstreiterin aussteigen müssen. Bei den Damen gewann Daniela Ryf aus der Schweiz mit mehreren Minuten Vorsprung vor Laura Siddal aus Großbritannien und Lisa Roberts aus den USA.
Wir danken allen Athleten, Besuchern und vor allem den Helfern für diesen mehr als gelungenen Tag und freuen uns schon auf eine spannende Challenge am Sonntag, den 1. Juli 2018.
Speck Staffeln beim DATEV-Challenge 2017

V.l.n.r: Leon Trautner, Christian Engerling, Richard Rolph, Maximilian Bauer, Johannes Zehnder, Johannes Wagner, Bastian Wenk, Josef Schiele, Bob Werner, Tobias Minameyer, Bernd Eichhorn, Dieter Meier, Matthias Schüler - Zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken.